She always knows what is best

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Food ,love and nothing else

Question:when is the right time to introduce solids in baby's diet?

Experts Answer:from 4 to 6 months

Mum's answer: when your instinct tells you so.When your baby starts staring at you when eating it is a sign.

You agree with your doctor that is time to introduce solids.The plan is:

Milk/baby rice/milk/milk/milk

And in a week's time you add fruit
Milk/baby rice/mill/fruit/milk

Perfect plan!!!

What you need:
1.choose on what your baby is having
Hipp,Organics,Nestlé (ask your pediatrician to give you samples to try as many brands as able.)My son was allergic to most of the brands so I bought Organic Bio Rice flour to mix with fruit.
Probios fruit purée and Ella's Kitchen pears and apples baby rice is an excellent option.You can squeeze the food straight on to a spoon!No need of a bowl!!(You can find them at Etherio Organix Store where you can find really nice stuff!I also tried Holle Baby Rice and the one with Kehri,smt like quinoa!)

2.You can buy containers and freeze fruit purée and mix different kind of fruit every time.

3.Plastic bowls,rubber spoons(the ones I found change color when the food is hot!),plastic bibs
Check IKEA's stuff.They have lovely colors.

4.High chairs are available in all baby stores depending on your budget.
Love the Tripp Trapp Stokke and IKEA has a nice black with red chair.

Ok that's the basics to start on solids post will be on baby's food

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Gift guide for children-part 3-older girls

When it comes to Girls things get hard!!Girls are little women that love to dress up,wear precious stones,makeup and become their favorite star ,princess or TV star!

So what is best than dressing up games with all the accessories!!

You can find costumes in many places,ELC has all year long outfits for role playing and a lovely box of dress up shoes and Jewellery.

All arts and crafts games are exciting.Check on games at ELC like:
•Paint your own tea set
•Paint your own tiara
•Knit your own chunky scarf
•Bead creation kit
And much more games at really good prices.

Clothes and shoes are always a smart present for little madams!Dresses,tutu skirts,hot pants ,jelly shoes etc.

And all time classics like:
•skate shoes
•hula hups
•Nintendo games (Barbie Horse adventures,Wii Just Dance 1&2)
•dance mat and microphone
•IPod !!!!(boys live that too)
•barbie DVDs ,Disney DVD like The Beauty and the Beast,Tangled

And so on and on and on....

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Gift guide for children-part 2 -Older boys...

This list can be really long and the reason is that boys never really grow up and most of them share the same games with their dads.....

Nowadays with the electronic consoles the list of games is endless.I will include some video games which you can find for all kinds of consoles(wii,pls3 Xbox,Nintendo etc).These games are great for presents and they don't take much space in the house:))

So,electronic games:
1.Super Mario Bros all versions
3.Michael Jackson
4.LittleBig Planet
5.Gran Tourismo
6.Tekken6(over 16)
7.Call of duty(online game over 16)
8.Metal of Honor(online game over 16)

Then lots and lots of DVDs .There are some good choices of boxes depending on the age,like:
•Ben 10 and Ben10 Aliance Force
•Mr Bean
•Harry Porter

I find the above at better prices in the Internet.Try

We love books and there are some excellent choices at the bookshop.

Now all the rest ,like:
2.Mini micro scooter
3.Didicar(editor's most loved item!!)
4.Football ball
5.Illuminating globe(ELC)
7.Football shoes and clothes!!!(also other sports as well like basket ball ,tennis etc)
8.Castles and Trains(ELC)

As I have told you I can keep on and on but we are talking about short lists